Saturday, January 19, 2013

Notre Dame's Reaction To The Te'o Hoax Vs. Its Reaction To Sexual Assault Allegations

TW: Discussion of Rape
Notre Dame’s response to Seeberg’s accusation:
  • Police waited 13 days to interview the accused perp (that’s three days afterSeeberg died), who was eventually found “not responsible” for misbehavior by a disciplinary board. 
  • The university president refused to meet with her parents, claiming it would undermine his impartiality in the event he had to make a decision related to the case.
  • Coach Brian Kelly made light ofthe number of Chicago Tribune reporters asking him about the case.
  • A university official and a trusteeallegedlyspread rumors that Seeberg was a liar who was in fact sexually aggressive toward the player she accused on the night in question.
Notre Dame’s response to Te’o’s allegation that he’d been falsely led to believe he had a girlfriend on the Internet:
  • The athletic department hired private investigators to look into the matter.
  • The school held a press conference the night the news broke at which it denied that its player was complicit in the hoax.
  • The school held a press conference at which its athletic director called the situation “a really frightening experience” and “an incredible tragedy.”
  •  The school held a press conference at which its athletic director called the situation “an incredible tragedy” and began crying.

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